Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Kra Canal Project and the Future of Singapore

The proposed Kra Canal project is not the only challenge that Singapore faces. There is the melting Arctic and with it, the possibility of new sea routes, not to speak of the threat from a rising sea level as well.

We need a good, strong and capable government that can plan ahead to meet those challenges.
Do you know that the Singapore Government applied for Permanent Observer status on the Arctic Council in 2011 and was given this status in 2013?

No mean feat for a small country that is not even situated near the Arctic. This is one achievement that has gone pretty much unnoticed by Singaporeans but one that has great impact on Singapore's future. It is an achievement worth celebrating.

As a permanent observer Singapore has the right not only to attend meetings of the Arctic Council but also to propose and finance policies.

As ESM Goh Chok Tong will tell you, a country needs two wings to fly, a domestic wing and an external wing, and the two are interdependent, one cannot do without the other.

Singapore has only one chance and that is to go up. The only way to go up is to have a good, capable government made up of men and women of integrity, not opportunistic politicians hoping to ride into parliament on populist promises or petty politicians making politics out of every opportunity.

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