Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Paul Tambyah confuses URA plans with NRP plans

Paul Tambyah of SDP is confusing URA master plans with NRP (neighbourhood renewal programme).

OF COURSE URA master plans proceeds regardless of who is in charge of where. City planners do not plan and optimize the use of land scare Singapore by checking the boundaries of constituencies (not forgetting that boundaries can change also).

NRP, on the other hand, are unique proposals of a town council. Such proposals are the result of feedback gathered from residents by the MP and his team of grassroots members and volunteers.

And NRP are implemented by the town council. This means to say whoever is the MP takes charge of their implementation.

Conversely speaking, whoever is not the MP does not have any right to implement any NRP. This is the reason why Murali said he needed the mandate from the residents of Bukit Batok to carry on his plans.

Given the nature of NRP and how it works, it is unethical for a leader of SDP and an eminent doctor to mislead voters by suggesting that PAP will withhold improvements from Bukit Batok if Murali is not elected.

This has absolutely nothing to do with withholding improvements. It's about who is the elected MP because the MP is in charge of improvements.

Is SDP willing to do the hard work and walk the ground for many months like PAP and gather feedback from residents so that they can make meaningful proposals that will improve the life of residents in Bukit Batok?

PAP has revealed their plans. Where are SDP's plans? Where was SDP before the announcement of this by-election? Or is SDP here in Bukit Batok only because there is a by-election?

Lastly, SDP should not use 'lack of fund' as an excuse for not making proposals because NRP projects are fully funded by the government.

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