Saturday, 30 April 2016
Chee Soon Juan a changed man?
In an interview with Wanbao, he said that he was proud of his past deeds and there was nothing to be sorry about.
If he is proud of his past, then he is still the same Chee Soon Juan . He has not changed one bit.
There is no basis for change if one does not feel sorry about anything. There is no basis for change if one is proud of one's past.
If the past is something to be proud of, why does Chee Soon Juan work so hard to portray himself as a changed man?
Because he knows that Singaporeans will not accept the Chee Soon Juan that they knew from the past.
In order to win votes, he knows he has to portray himself differently to make himself acceptable to voters. But that portrayal is just a deception.
Character is permanent.
Chee Soon Juan has not changed and his mission has not changed.
His mission is to fight for his liberal idea of democracy. Bukit Batok is not his concern. Bukit Batok is just an opportunity to him, a chance to get into Parliament for his mission.
Q: On what you said about how Dr Chee has changed his image, but inside he hasn’t changed, would you be concerned if he were to be elected?
PM Lee: Yes, I would be concerned. Because it will mean that there is somebody that’s being elected who is able to just gloss over bad things which have been done, and which he has not come to terms with or acknowledged, and he’s now presenting himself as a new man – reinvented – and yet, unchanged, and unregretful and unrepentant.
And I think it’s not possible, if you are a changed person, well then there must be a basis on which you say: ‘What I did previously, I regret, I’m sorry, I now resolve to go in a different direction, I resolve to be a different sort of leader.' But here he told the Wanbao: ‘I don’t regret anything which I did, all my crazy history, I’m proud of what I had done, and I am what I am’.
But actually, he is not what he is, because what he says is one thing, but the reality is quite different, and what he did yesterday at the rally, allowing his colleagues to hit at David Ong in a most unbecoming manner, and then he comes along in benign, almost beatific way, and say: ‘We must not hit people who are down, that’s very bad, anyone can make mistakes – even good people,’ I think it shows that his character has not changed.
Because his mission is really to fight for his liberal idea of democracy, he appears wherever an opportunity presents for him to try to get to Parliament. That is why in every election that he has contested in the past, he has gone from one constituency to another, appearing only during election time and completely disappears once he has lost.
The interests of the residents are not his concern. The constituency is just a stepping stone for him to go to parliament.
Bukit Batok Here I Come
He promised to make Bukit Batok the model town that will be the envy of Singapore.
He has no new proposals to make that is not already done. He is unable to say how he would make Bukit Batok the envy of Singapore.
But he kicked off his campaign with a demand: a demand for all the blueprints from URA and HDB for Bukit Batok.
And then he declared that if elected he would push for all of PAP's projects to be done in Bukit Batok.
Thus will Chee Soon Juan transform Bukit Batok into a model town - with PAP projects and plans.
Is Chee Soon Juan relevant to Bukit Batok then?
Does it make sense to take the PAP projects from a competent PAP town council to give to Chee Soon Juan to implement?
Then he declared that he would be a full-time MP.
He will be doing everything himself. He will not outsource anything, including help for residents.
He thinks working with voluntary welfare organizations is outsourcing help. Does he understand that needs can be very complex and often it takes a whole community to help people?
This leads you to wonder if he knows what helping people entails.
When you think that you can do away with a team, when you think that you can do away with voluntary welfare organisations, when you think that you alone will be able to help people, in all likelihood, you have never helped anyone before and you don't know what it takes to help people.
When you don't even begin to understand what it takes to help people, then clearly you are not a suitable person to help people.
He wants you to think that being a full-time MP will make him a great MP.
That's because he brings with him no contributions or ability that he can boast of that will make him the best person to run a town council, no relevant work experience he can draw on to convince you that he is the best candidate.
He thinks it is humanly impossible for anyone to hold a full time job and still be able to serve people well as an MP.
But what does he know about juggling different responsibilities and time management when he has no full-time job?
He forgets that all our ministers and ministers of state have a very heavy load at their various ministries and are still able to serve their residents well.
The measure of a good MP is not his first destination in the morning.
The measure of a good MP is firstly his integrity, ability, competency, dedication and time management, how sincere he is in serving people, how well he listen to his residents, how keen he is in discerning their needs and how creative and resourceful he is in rendering help, in mobilising volunteers and the community to come together to work for a good cause and more.
But integrity is clearly lacking in Chee Soon Juan.
When caught in a difficult situation and having to give an answer STRAIGHTAWAY with no time to think of the best answer, Chee's first instinct is to lie.
On Nomination day, SDP had prematurely put up their banners before nomination was announced thus violating the rules of election, and had to take them down.
Instead of admitting that a mistake was committed, Chee Soon Juan said that he was 'just trying it out'.
That's just unbelievable! And re-LIAR-able as well.
It confirms that character is permanent.
If Chee Soon Juan really cares for the residents of Bukit Batok, why hasn't he come up with some plans for them?
Because by his own admission, his mission is to change the system in Singapore, to fight for his brand of liberal democracy.
In his own words, he is not interested in people. He is only interested in changing the system in Singapore.
In an interview with Zaobao in 2010, when asked if he regretted entering into politics, he said he had no regrets because fighting for democracy is 'bigger and pressing mission'.
This also explains why in all the elections in which he has contested, he has gone from constituency to constituency or GRC.
People are not his concern. Fighting for democracy is. The constituency or GRC is just a stepping stone for him to try to get into Parliament to achieve his mission.
Friday, 29 April 2016
Chee admitted to receiving foreign funds
So how did Chee Soon Juan manage to raise a family of three children with a homemaker wife when he does not have a job all these years?
In the Zaobao interview in 2010, Chee was asked if he was bankrolled by foreign money.
The reporter had to ask the question 7 times in different ways to get the answers. Chee was evasive and after much probing, said that he received 'research grants' to do research on 'different things'.
That Chee refused to specify the type of 'research' he was doing during the interview was very telling.
Here's a partial transcript of the interview:
Q: People may find it hard to think you can keep a family, just on books.
A: Whatever I can live on. Sometimes we get help, I mean not help lah. People, relatives and so on and so forth. It does get into a, a...
Q: So people are wrong to say you've been getting money?
A: I don't know, where do you get this. People keep saying. I don't..
Q: If they are wrong, then I can write that they are wrong. I'll say they are wrong.
A: No, I mean, I've always write as an academic, you get research, you apply for research grants. I've gone overseas. I've got some awards for writing. Had stints overseas where fellowships that kind of thing. These things all helped a bit. I write research grants that kind of thing.
Q: Research on democracy?
A: er, other things lah. Not just, different areas as well.
Q: Which areas? Psychology?
A: Sometimes they are all related, human behavior, different things.
In an interview with Zaobao in 2010, Chee Soon Juan was asked if he regretted going into politics.
“Absolutely not. I’m not saying this to sound like some hero. I really do love teaching and research, that’s my first love. But to fight for democracy for Singapore, now that’s a bigger and more pressing mission. I have no regrets whatsoever,” he said.
By his own admission, Chee is in politics to fight for democracy. That is a bigger and more pressing mission to him.
What kind of democracy is he fighting for? Whose definition of democracy is he fighting for?
So you think he cares for the residents of Bukit Batok?
Bukit Batok, for Chee, represents an opportunity for him, another chance to get into parliament where he can voice his ideas of 'democracy'.
That is why he has no concrete plans for Bukit Batok beyond the empty rhetoric of "We are One. We are Bukit Batok".
And that is also why Sadasivam Veriyah, the SDP candidate who stood in Bukit Batok in 2015 had to make way for him.
Does Chee Soon Juan know what it takes to help people?
He will not outsource help for residents to voluntary welfare organisations if elected because it is not right, he said.
So he will be a full-time MP and do everything himself. A one-man operation working as hard as he is campaigning now. He thinks that is enough to help people.
He wants to push for PAP projects. Is Chee Soon Juan relevant?
Chee Soon Juan said that if elected he would push for all of David Ong's proposals to be implemented.
Let's try a little logical reasoning here.
- CSJ has been unemployed for many, many years.
- He has no work experience whatsoever to speak of.
- His only experience is in writing books about himself and democracy, and talking.
He wants to take over the PAP projects from Jurong-Clementi Town Council.
Think about this.
Between an unemployed man with no work experience at all, and Jurong-Clementi Town Council with their track record having already implemented 5 NRP in Bukit Batok, who will you trust to carry to completion David Ong's proposals?
Jurong-Clementi Town Council of course.
Would you remove a competent, proven team and give their projects to an inexperienced team that is confused over money and the projects?
Chee has just made himself irrelevant and redundant.
He really only wants to go to Parliament to talk about democracy and Bukit Batok represents just an opportunity to him.

One cannot help but recall his proposal to Workers' Party during the Punggol East by-election in 2013 when he suggested a partnership with WP where WP would run the town council while he made speeches in parliament. Haha
Thursday, 28 April 2016
Chee Soon Juan declared that if elected, he would be a full-time MP.
Of course he's got to be a full-time MP if he is elected when you consider that he is currently unemployed. He can't possibly go from unemployed to part-time MP, can he? It just doesn't sound good or right.
"Every morning, when Mr Murali wakes up, his first destination will be his office. When I wake up every morning, my first destination is Bukit Batok. That’s the difference," so said Chee Soon Juan.
And THAT, to Chee Soon Juan, is considered an advantage he has over Murali. Haha
And he completely forgets that our Ministers, Ministers of State, MPs who are also Parliamentary Secretaries all have a full-time job with heavy responsibilities at various ministries and are at the same time serving their residents and managing their estates well.
Since when is the quality of a person determined (solely) by his first destination of the day?
The measure of a good MP is not whether he is full-time or not.
The measure of a good MP is his integrity, ability, competency, dedication and time management, how sincere he is in serving people, how well he listen to his residents, how keen he is in discerning their needs and how creative and resourceful he is in rendering help, in mobilising volunteers and the community to come together to work for a good cause and more.
Character is permanent. It's difficult not to lie when caught unprepared in a difficult situation
SDP had prematurely put up their banners before nomination was announced thus violating the rules of election, and had to take them down.
Instead of admitting that a mistake was committed, Chee Soon Juan gave the lame excuse that he was 'just trying it out'.
That's just unbelievable! And re-LIAR-able as well
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Why does Chee Soon Juan wants to see URA and HDB blueprint for Bukit Batok?
Chee Soon Juan starts his campaign with a demand - a demand for a progress report for Bukit Batok from PAP.
This man promised the residents of Bukit Batok that he would make Bukit Batok the envy of Singapore. But he has yet to show a single blueprint of his own plans that will make Bukit Batok the envy of Singapore.
Instead he has demanded for a progress report on Bukit Batok from PAP and to see all the URA and HDB blueprints for Bukit Batok. Haha
Seriously, all he needs to do for a progress report of Bukit Batok is to walk around Bukit Batok. Hasn't he been walking around Bukit Batok? What did he see on his walkabout?
Did he see opportunity for himself? Did he notice any needs that need to be addressed? Or any amenities lacking that he would want to put into a blueprint?
And why does he want to see all the blueprints from URA and HDB? Is it because he has no idea of his own how to make Bukit Batok the envy of Singapore?
Paul Tambyah confuses URA plans with NRP plans
Paul Tambyah of SDP is confusing URA master plans with NRP (neighbourhood renewal programme).
OF COURSE URA master plans proceeds regardless of who is in charge of where. City planners do not plan and optimize the use of land scare Singapore by checking the boundaries of constituencies (not forgetting that boundaries can change also).
NRP, on the other hand, are unique proposals of a town council. Such proposals are the result of feedback gathered from residents by the MP and his team of grassroots members and volunteers.
And NRP are implemented by the town council. This means to say whoever is the MP takes charge of their implementation.
Conversely speaking, whoever is not the MP does not have any right to implement any NRP. This is the reason why Murali said he needed the mandate from the residents of Bukit Batok to carry on his plans.
Given the nature of NRP and how it works, it is unethical for a leader of SDP and an eminent doctor to mislead voters by suggesting that PAP will withhold improvements from Bukit Batok if Murali is not elected.
This has absolutely nothing to do with withholding improvements. It's about who is the elected MP because the MP is in charge of improvements.
Is SDP willing to do the hard work and walk the ground for many months like PAP and gather feedback from residents so that they can make meaningful proposals that will improve the life of residents in Bukit Batok?
PAP has revealed their plans. Where are SDP's plans? Where was SDP before the announcement of this by-election? Or is SDP here in Bukit Batok only because there is a by-election?
Lastly, SDP should not use 'lack of fund' as an excuse for not making proposals because NRP projects are fully funded by the government.
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
The nature of Neighbourhood Renewal Programme and how it works
Murali revealed his plans for Bukit Batok and said that he needed a mandate to carry on the plans.
Some call it a dangling of carrots. Some call it a punitive approach.
A punitive approach it is not. It is just the way things work.
Or to quote Pritam Singh, "that's the nature of NRP and how it works."
So then, what is the nature of NRP and how it works?
NRP projects are proposals unique to each estate. They are the result of feedback gathered from residents. Each town council makes proposals for NRP based on feedback gathered.
This means the elected MP is the one who will implement NRP projects.
Conversely speaking, whoever is not elected as MP has no mandate or right to implement any NRP projects.
That was what Murali meamt when he said he needed a mandate to carry out the plans.
There is also no guarantee that a NRP project proposed before an election will carry on as proposed when there is a change of town council because the new town council is free to change the proposal. Hence the mandate needed.
To quote Pritam Singh,
"..... we were free to determine if we wanted to change the proposal of the previous PAP-run Aljunied Town Council with regard to the NRP upgrading plans - that's the nature of the NRP and how it works."
Incidentally, Pritam Singh, in reacting negatively to what Murali said, did not realize that he had answered his own questions.
That was what Murali meamt when he said he needed a mandate to carry out the plans.
There is also no guarantee that a NRP project proposed before an election will carry on as proposed when there is a change of town council because the new town council is free to change the proposal. Hence the mandate needed.
To quote Pritam Singh,
"..... we were free to determine if we wanted to change the proposal of the previous PAP-run Aljunied Town Council with regard to the NRP upgrading plans - that's the nature of the NRP and how it works."
Incidentally, Pritam Singh, in reacting negatively to what Murali said, did not realize that he had answered his own questions.
Saturday, 23 April 2016
Just how far will Chee Soon Juan go to try to win a seat in Parliament?
Enough to resort to deception by using a photo taken of himself and Mr Chiam to give the false impression that Mr Chiam endorses him as the candidate for the Bukit Batok by-election.
Friday, 22 April 2016
Chee Soon Juan's Math
Let's take a minute to try to understand.
SDP has been proposing cuts in defence budget and steadily increasing that percentage as well.
In 2011, they proposed a 20% cut. In 2015, it became 50% !!
If proposing defence budget cut is not bad enough in the face of increased threats and increased defence spending elsewhere in the region and the world, they also proposed increasing the allowance of full-time National Servicemen to a minimum of $1200.
So on the one hand they propose cuts in defence budget.
On the other hand they propose an increase in defence spending through increased allowance.
Can you do that Math?
For the SDP the mathematics is not important. Being populist is more important.
SDP has been proposing cuts in defence budget and steadily increasing that percentage as well.
In 2011, they proposed a 20% cut. In 2015, it became 50% !!
If proposing defence budget cut is not bad enough in the face of increased threats and increased defence spending elsewhere in the region and the world, they also proposed increasing the allowance of full-time National Servicemen to a minimum of $1200.
So on the one hand they propose cuts in defence budget.
On the other hand they propose an increase in defence spending through increased allowance.
Can you do that Math?
For the SDP the mathematics is not important. Being populist is more important.
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