Thursday, 2 April 2015


Mr Lee Kuan Yew emphasized again and again that it is the QUALITY OF PEOPLE and LEADERS that will determine Singapore's success. 

CHARACTER, INTEGRITY, DETERMINATION: These are the strengths that will see Singapore through. 

"..not the grand monuments in brick and mortar or steel and concrete, with which so many other new nations try to impress themselves and their followers."

When Parliament moved to its present building in 1999, Mr Lee Kuan Yew reminded the House: 

“...the importance of this Chamber did not, and does not, depend upon its size and its grandeur, but upon the quality of the men and women who occupy it as representatives of the people… By the standards of other public and private buildings in Singapore, it is modest by comparison. That is a virtue. Behind the understatement lie great strengths of character, integrity, and determination. That is what will see Singapore through, not the grand monuments in brick and mortar or steel and concrete, with which so many other new nations try to impress themselves and their followers.”

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